Welcome to Prince and Pilgrim Productions, a film production company founded in 2023 by Alessandro Magnabosco to kickstart his journey into the film industry.  Our mission is to become a driving force behind unique and emotionally resonant storytelling in the realms of science fiction and fantasy.

Our debut short film, The Second Prince, is currently beginning its journey through the international festival circuit, and it is a testament to our commitment to originality and excellence. We're also thrilled to be collaborating with other independent production companies, pooling our creative energies to bring diverse and exciting projects to life.

At Prince and Pilgrim, we aspire to become a boutique and specialised production company, setting our sights on the creation of intelligent and emotionally complex sci-fi and fantasy productions. By pushing the boundaries of imagination and storytelling, we aim to carve our niche in the industry, delivering experiences that captivate audiences and leave a lasting impact.

Dare to dream with us, and join us on this thrilling journey as we navigate the cosmos of creativity, weaving tales that transcend the ordinary and challenge the boundaries of what's possible.